Updated: Rails: Using custom configurations with the config_for method

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  • You can use the [config.x](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/configuring.html#custom-configuration) configuration in combination with `config_for` to configure global settings for your Rails 4.2+ application.
  • ## Example
  • In your `config/application.rb` assign the settings from e.g. `config/settings.yml` as follows:
  • ```ruby
  • module FooApplication
  • class Application < Rails::Application
  • config.x.settings = config_for(:settings)
  • end
  • end
  • ```
  • The `config/settings.yml` might look as follows:
  • ```yml
  • shared:
  • email: info@example.com
  • google_analytics:
  • container: UA-123456-12
  • production:
  • email: production@example.com
  • ```
  • Keys under the `shared` namespace are shared between all environments. Environment specific configs will override those shared values. Afterwards you can access these settings with e.g. `Rails.application.config.x.settings.google_analytics.fetch(:container)` or `Rails.configuration.x.settings.google_analytics.fetch(:container)` in your application.
  • ## Additional notes
  • * The `config.x` is a dedicated namespace and helps you to avoid collisions with config options related to Rails itself.
  • * The `config.x` returns an [OrderedOptions](https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/OrderedOptions.html) object for the first two levels, but not deeper.
  • * This approach might be preferred over global constants like `config/constants/settings.rb`:
  • * It can be used in the Rails Configuration itself and all initializers.
  • * It allows to write environment dependent settings.
  • * Undefined keys return `nil` if not present e.g. `Rails.application.config.foobar => nil`
  • +* **Recommendation**: Prefer using fetch e.g. `Rails.application.config.fetch(:foo)` instead of calling `#foo` or `#foo!` on the `OrderedOptions` object. It raises only on missing keys and is chainable e.g. `Rails.application.config.fetch(:foo).fetch(:bar)`.
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Emanuel to makandra dev (2025-02-26 09:36)