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Webmock < 3.12.1 cannot handle IPv6 addresses correctly

Deleted user #8242
February 26, 2021Software engineer

We had the issue, that a VCR spec failed, after updating CarrierWave from version 0.11.0 to 1.3.2.
In this version, CarrierWave uses the gem SsrfFilter, which retrieves the IP addresses for the given hostname and replaces the hostname in the requested url with one of them.

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It works with IPv4 addresses, but not with IPv6 addresses, because WebMock cannot handle those correctly Show snapshot :

uri = "#{protocol}://#{net_http.address}:#{net_http.port}#{path}"

There must be square brackets around the IPv6 address, to separate it from the port, like http://[2606:4700:3035::6815:4061]:80/Content/Test/example.jpg, which WebMock does not consider.

It leads to the following errors (which are rescued in the CarrierWave code):

  • Invalid port number: \"b4ea\" for an address like 2606:4700:3033:0000:0000:0000:ac43:b4ea
  • bad URI(is not URI?): http://2606:4700:3035::6815:4061/Content/Test/example.jpg

There is already an issue on GitHub Show snapshot , where we offered a patch.

The fix was applied in version 3.12.1 Show snapshot .

Posted to makandra dev (2021-02-26 08:45)