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How to: Solve gem loaded specs mutex

February 02, 2018Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Use bundler > 1.15 to fix Gem::LOADED_SPECS_MUTEX (NameError).

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Given the following project:

ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7

bundler -v
Bundler version 1.13.7

gem -v

rails -v

Running specs or features resulted in:

uninitialized constant Gem::LOADED_SPECS_MUTEX (NameError)

The previous settings described in Maximum version of Rubygems and Bundler for Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.3 (even the rails version was rails 3.2 and not 2.3) seems not to work here, so I used (also described in the card) a bundler version > 1.15 (exactly 1.16.1). This fixed the issue.

Posted by Emanuel to makandra dev (2018-02-02 08:58)