Ruby: How to keep split delimiter (separate, or as part of substrings)

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Ruby's String#split returns an array of substrings from the given string. Usually, this is missing the split characters:

>> ''.split('@')
=> ["user", ""]

If you want to join those parts later on, you might know the split character and can just use it to join explicitly.
But if you split by a regular expression (for a set of split characters) that information is lost:

>> ''.split(/[@\.]/)
=> ["user", "example", "com"]

You can use a capture group to make those characters be part of the resulting array:

>> ''.split(/([@\.])/)
=> ["user", "@", "example", ".", "com"]

Or, you can use a capture group with look-behind to keep them with the resulting substrings:

>> ''.split(/(?<=[@\.])/)
=> ["user@", "example.", "com"]

An example use case for that is telling browsers to allow breaking a string after certain characters using wbr tags.

Arne Hartherz
Last edit
Arne Hartherz
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2020-12-17 15:58)