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Rails developers: Have better context in Git diffs

Dominik Schöler
November 23, 2020Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Git diffs show the surrounding contexts for diff hunks. It does so by applying regular expressions to find the beginning of a context. When it comes to Ruby, however, it will not find method heads and travel up to the class definition:

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class TicketPdf # <=== Actually expected here: the method definition
       layout: "tickets",
-      assigns: { tickets: tickets }
+      assigns: { tickets: tickets, event_name: event_name }
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When Git is told how to recognize a Ruby file, it will correctly display the expected context:

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def tickets_as_html # <=== Now correct
       layout: "tickets",
-      assigns: { tickets: tickets }
+      assigns: { tickets: tickets, event_name: event_name }

How to configure

# in ~/.gitattributes:

*.rb diff=ruby
*.rake diff=ruby
*_spec.rb diff=rspec
*.feature diff=cucumber

Then tell Git where it can find its global attributes file with git config --global core.attributesfile ~/.gitattributes. (Note that you could configure this on a per-project base as well.)

Ruby support is built in, but RSpec and Cucumber need a little more help:

# in ~/.gitconfig
[diff "rspec"]
  xfuncname = "^[ \t]*((RSpec|describe|context|it|before|after|around|feature|scenario)[ \t].*)$"
[diff "cucumber"]
  xfuncname = "^[ \t]*((Feature|Background|Scenario|Scenario Outline|Examples): .*)$"

Configuring more formats is a simple as extending ~/.gitattributes, and if Git has no built-in support, adding an entry to ~/.gitconfig like above.

Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2020-11-23 10:34)