Show/Hide Rubocop marking in RubyMine

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If you have installed Rubocop Show snapshot in your project, RubyMine can show you Rubocop violations immediately in your editor. You probably already know this feature.



Enable/Disable marking

If your RubyMine does not show you any violations, although there are some, you may have to enable the setting first.

To do so, open Navigate -> Search Everywhere -> Actions (Or use the shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + A) and type in "rubocop", then you should see something like this:


Set Gems and Gem management:Rubocop to ON if you want to see Rubocop marking in your Editor or switch it to OFF if you want to hide it.

Bruno Sedler
Last edit
Bruno Sedler
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Bruno Sedler to makandra dev (2020-11-10 12:56)