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Rails: How to list all validations on a model or an attribute

Deleted user #4117
September 23, 2020Software engineer

If a model inherits from others or uses many concerns / traits, it might be hard to see in the code which validators it has.
But fortunately there's a method for that:

irb(main):002:0> pp UserGroup.validators
  @delimiter=[true, false],
  @options={:in=>[true, false], :allow_nil=>false}>,
  @delimiter=[true, false],
  @options={:in=>[true, false], :allow_nil=>false}>,
  @attributes=[:partner_id, :name],
  @klass=UserGroup (call 'UserGroup.connection' to establish a connection),
  @options={:case_sensitive=>true, :scope=>:partner_id}>,
  @options={:greater_than_or_equal_to=>0, :allow_nil=>true}>]

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You can also list all validators on a given attribute of a model:

irb(main):003:0> pp UserGroup.validators_on(:name)
  @attributes=[:partner_id, :name],
  @klass=UserGroup (call 'UserGroup.connection' to establish a connection),
  @options={:case_sensitive=>true, :scope=>:partner_id}>]
Posted to makandra dev (2020-09-23 14:14)