Automatically validating dependency licenses with License Finder

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"Open-source software (OSS) is great. Anyone can use virtually any open-source code in their projects."

Well, it depends. Licenses can make things difficult, especially when you are developing closed-source software. Since some OSS licenses even require the employing application to be open-sourced as well (looking at you, GPL), you cannot use such software in a closed-source project.

To be sure on this, we have developed a project-level integration of Pivotal's excellent license_finder Show snapshot that validates all dependencies during a regular test run. It will protect you from accidentally adding libraries with problematic licenses.


  1. Add gem 'license_finder' to the develoment dependencies of your project and run bundle install
  2. Add spec/license_finder_spec.rb with
 describe 'license_finder' do

   describe 'action_items' do
     before :all do # rubocop:disable RSpec/BeforeAfterAll
       @stdout, @stderr, @status = Open3.capture3('license_finder action_items')

     it 'activates all expected package managers' do
       package_managers = @stdout.scan(/^LicenseFinder::(\w+).*is active/).flatten
       expect(package_managers).to contain_exactly 'Bundler', 'Please list all expected package managers here'

     it 'has no dependencies with unapproved licenses' do
       expect(@status).to be_success, @stdout + @stderr


The first spec ensures no package manager is accidentally skipped (especially in the fragile Bower integration). Whenever a library with an unapproved (or restricted) license is added to the project, the second spec will fail.

Run the spec now and update its list of package managers.

  1. Optional: Create an alias to simplify running LicenseFinder.

    echo "alias lf='bundle exec license_finder'" >> ~/.bash_aliases # Store alias
    source ~/.bash_aliases # Load stored aliases
  2. For current versions of yarn (>=2) you will have to install a plugin Show snapshot to have the yarn licenses command available

We have a separate card on useful defaults to getting started with License Finder.

Excluding dependency groups

LicenseFinder can exclude certain dependency groups from its report, for example development and test (add devDependencies for yarn). This only works with certain package managers (among which Bundler and Yarn) Show snapshot . You can do so with:

bundle exec license_finder ignored_groups add $GROUP --why $REASON

Running the "action items" report

LicenseFinder runs as part of the test suite. Run manually with

bundle exec license_finder

It will detect all known package managers Show snapshot automatically (among which Bundler and Yarn) and check the license of all dependencies.

This is how the output may look when all dependencies are approved:


This is how it may look when dependencies need approval (it is also the output of the failing licenses spec):


Read on to learn what to do about the output. All decisions are written to doc/dependency_decisions.yml. Please always state the reason for your decision with --why.

Permitting a license

When you are absolutely sure that a license can be used in any circumstances, you may permit it. Ask someone if you are not sure. Github license pages Show snapshot or Show snapshot give a good overview about a license's permissions, limitations and conditions.

Permit a license with

bundle exec license_finder permitted_licenses add $LICENSE --why $REASON

Dependencies with this license will automatically be considered approved, and will no more show up in the action items list. If you know there is a license that can never be used in your project, restrict it with

bundle exec license_finder restricted_licenses add AGPL --why 'Requires to open-source the whole application'

Approving a single library

Some libraries will bring a license that has not been white listed. If your usage is valid with regard to that library's license, you can approve a single library without generally white-listing its license. GPL-licensed libraries are a candidate for this.

bundle exec license_finder approvals add $DEPENDENCY --why $REASON

Setting the license when unknown

When a license is reported as "unknown", you need to detect it manually. Check if current versions sport a license. Check package.json, composer.json, README.

Once you know the license, tell LicenseFinder with

bundle exec license_finder licenses add $DEPENDENCY $LICENSE --why $LICENSE_FILE_URL

Hard-to-find licenses

  • Rubygem ntlm-http: bundle exec license_finder licenses add ntlm-http ruby --why

Adding a hidden dependency

Sometimes there may be a dependency the package manager does not know about, e.g. a copied tracking snippet or some nested dependency. Tell LicenseFinder with

bundle exec license_finder dependencies add $DEPENDENCY $LICENSE $VERSION --why $REASON

Use sparingly, as manually added dependencies are not updated automatically (obviously).


  • License identifiers (e.g. LGPL-2.1) follow the SPDX definitions
  • Some license identifiers are followed by an asterisk. This denotes an inferred license Show snapshot .
  • While it is possible to approve specific versions only, we decided to approve libraries as a whole. This is to keep maintenance efforts to a minimum.
  • LicenseFinder also has a concept of decision inheritance Show snapshot . While we're using it in few projects only, we don't need this functionality.
  • You can specify a --who $NAME to each decision to state who made the decision. However, Git logs will usually reveal that.
  • Most "add" commands above offer a "list" command that prints all registered entries.
  • Use license_finder help [command] for help.
  • If you made a mistake (e.g. forgot to pass a reason), you can open doc/dependency_decisions.yml and edit the last entry.

A word on bower-rails

Bower-rails is a Bower wrapper that simplifies Rails integration. Unfortunately, it makes it harder to integrate Bower with LicenseFinder. To get things running, follow these steps:

  1. Symlink bower-rails's bower.json to the project root: ln -s vendor/assets/bower.json
  2. Create a .bowerrc file at the project root with
      "comment": "Together with the bower.json symlink, this file integrates bower-rails with license_finder.",
      "directory": "vendor/assets/bower_components"
  3. Remember to add Bower to the expected package managers in spec/license_finder_spec.rb.

A word on vendor/asset-libs

Manually vendored libraries in vendor/asset-libs/ are not discovered by LicenseFinder. Convert each such library to a local Ruby gem by following these steps:

  1. Move all contents of vendor/asset-libs/$library-$version to a new sub-directory vendor/asset-libs/$library-$version/lib/assets/javascripts. That's simply a path sprockets will consider, it is no problem if it contains non-JS files.
  2. Create $library-$version/local-$library.gemspec with do |s|        = 'local-$library'
      s.summary     = 'local copy of $library'
      s.homepage    = $homepage
      s.version     = $version
      s.licenses    = [$license]
      s.authors     = [$author]
      s.files       = Dir.chdir(__dir__) { Dir.glob('**/*') }
      s.add_runtime_dependency 'rails', '< 100' # Silence warnings by adding version
    This is a minimal gemspec.
  3. Create $library-$version/lib/local-$library.rb with
    module Local$Library
      class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
    Having the gem contain a Rails engine activates Sprockets, which will retrieve assets from the gem.
  4. Rename $library-$version to local-$library
  5. Find a suitable section in your Gemfile, then add
    gem 'local-$library', path: 'vendor/asset-libs/local-$library'

Finally, remove the asset path customization from config/initializers/assets.rb:

-# Load asset libs folders
-Rails.application.config.assets.paths += Dir[Rails.root.join('vendor/asset-libs/*')].sort_by { |dir| -dir.size }
Dominik Schöler
Last edit
Arne Hartherz
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2020-07-13 12:24)