HTML: Making browsers wrap long words

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By default, browsers will not wrap text at syllable boundaries. Text is wrapped at word boundaries only.

This card explains some options to make browsers wrap inside a long word like "Donaudampfschifffahrt".

Option 1: hyphens CSS property (preferred)

Modern browsers can hyphenate natively. Use the hyphens Show snapshot CSS property:

hyphens: auto

There is also hyphens: none (disable hyphenations even at ­ entities) and hyphens: manual (hyphenation at ­ only).

For the hyphens property to work, your document language must be declared, e.g. with <html lang="de">.

Browser support

  • The hyphens property has good browser support Show snapshot .
  • If you need to support Safari < 17, you may need to also set -webkit-hyphen.
  • If a browser lacks the dictionary for your document language, it renders text without hyphens. Depending on your use case, this can be desired or an issue. See below for a polyfill.

Configuring hyphenation

You can control how hyphens: auto works.

Supporting old browsers, or users without a dictionary for your document language.

There is a MIT-based polyfill called Hyphenopoly Show snapshot . It applies JS-based hyphenation if a feature test shows that CSS based hyphenation is not supported for the given locale.
Note that Hyphenopoly is primarily a NodeJS module and targeted at server-side hyphenation, but it can be configured for the client-side as well.

Option 2: Soft hyphens

Unicode has a soft hyphen character Show snapshot you can use to mark optional word division opportunities. The soft hyphen is an invisible character with zero width. Only when the browser decides to wrap at a soft hyphen, it is turned into a regular hyphen character ().

The HTML entity for a soft hyphen is &shy;. Use it to mark division opportunities in a long word like so:


Caveat: Unexpected copy & paste behavior

Note that when copying a text with soft hyphens, the soft hyphen character will be copied as a zero-width character. This might lead to confusion since you can no longer search for the full word in the pasted text.

Note that test browsers will also see the soft hyphens, which makes testing uncomfortable.

Automatic insertion of soft hyphens

You can use JavaScript libraries like hypher Show snapshot (includes LGPL patterns!) to automatically insert soft hyphens into the text of a DOM node.

Note that integrating such a library well requires some additional work on your part:

  • Loading the correct hyphenization patterns for the language you're using
  • JavaScript to apply the library function to the DOM nodes you want hyphenated
  • Manually adding exceptions to words you don't want hyphenized. E.g. brand names like makandra should not be hyphenated.

Option 3: wbr-tags

HTML has a <wbr> Show snapshot tag you can use to mark word wrap opportunities:


Like a soft hyphen, the <wbr> tag is invisible. Unlike a soft hyphen, the browser will not insert a hyphen character when wrapping at a <wbr>. This makes it a good choice to wrap non-natural language like URLs or source code.

Unlike soft hyphens a <wbr> tag will not be included in the clipboard when copying text.

Option 4: overflow-wrap CSS property

You can use the CSS property overflow-wrap Show snapshot to allow browsers to force words that are wider than their container to be broken.

overflow-wrap: break-word

A few things:

  • word-wrap was renamed to overflow-wrap Show snapshot in CSS3
  • Do not confuse this with the word-break CSS property which sounds similar, but actually controlls white-space breaking. A word-break: break-all will break after the last character that fits in a line and is rarely what you want.
  • We recommend you use overflow-wrap: break-word when (uncontrollable) texts might break your layout, e.g. in a list of URLs.
  • Here is an example: Show snapshot
Henning Koch
Last edit
Arne Hartherz
wrap, silbentrennung, bindestrich, viertelgeviertstrich
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2017-11-07 10:17)