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PostgreSQL's OVERLAPS operator is not fully inclusive

Henning Koch
October 27, 2017Software engineer at makandra GmbH

PostgreSQL supports the SQL OVERLAPS operator. You can use it to test if two date ranges overlap:

=> SELECT ('2001-02-16'::date, '2001-12-21'::date) OVERLAPS
          ('2001-12-20'::date, '2002-10-30'::date);

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An important caveat is that the date ranges are defined as start <= time < end. As such the later date is not included in the range:

=> SELECT ('2001-02-16'::date, '2001-12-21'::date) OVERLAPS
          ('2001-12-21'::date, '2002-10-30'::date);


Also compare our card Test if two date ranges overlap in Ruby or Rails.

Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2017-10-27 17:29)