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Capybara 'fill_in': Ambiguous match for different input names

Jakob Scholz
February 05, 2020Software engineer at makandra GmbH

When you have two inputs, where one contains the name of the other (eg. Name and Name with special treatment), Capybara's fill_in method will fail with the following message:

Ambiguous match, found 2 elements matching visible field "Name" that is not disabled (Capybara::Ambiguous)
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You can force Capybara to match exactly what you are typing (which makes your tests better anyways) with match: :prefer_exact:

name = 'Name'
value = 'Bettertest Cucumberbatch'
fill_in(field, with: value, match: :prefer_exact)

Furthermore, we recommend setting Capybara's matching strategy Show snapshot globally to :prefer_exact. This will positively affect all you steps (including those of gems like Spreewald Show snapshot ) as it prevents the Capybara::Ambiguous error in the edge case when two fields are matching the given name, but one of the matches includes the name only as a substring,

Capybara.match = :prefer_exact
Posted by Jakob Scholz to makandra dev (2020-02-05 16:40)