Always convert and strip user-provided images to sRGB

Debugging image color profiles is hard. You can't trust your eyes in this matter, as the image rendering depends on multiple factors. At least the operation system, browser or image viewer software and monitor influence the resulting image colors on your screen.

When we offer our users the possibility to upload images, they will most likely contain tons of EXIF metadata and sometimes exotic color profiles like eciRGB. We want to get rid of the metadata, as it might contain sensitiv...

Ruby: How to determine the absolute path relative to a file

If you want to get the path of a file relative to another, you can use the expand_path method with either the constant __FILE__ or the method __dir__. Read this card for more information about __FILE__ and __dir__.



├── bin
│   ├── format_changelog


#!/usr/bin/env ruby

changelog_path = ? # How to get the path to ../ independent of the working dir of the caller
changelog =

# ... further actions h...

Using ngrok for exposing your development server to the internet

Sometimes you need to access a dev server running on localhost from another machine that is not part of the same network. Maybe you want to use your phone to test a web page, but are only in a guest WiFi. In the past, we often used some port forwarding or other techniques to expose the service to the internet.

Enter ngrok, a command line tool that gives you an on-the-fly internet...

makandra cards: A knowledge base on web development, RoR, and DevOps

What is makandra cards?

We are makandra, a team of 60 web developers, DevOps and UI/UX experts from Augsburg, Germany. We have firmly anchored the sharing of knowledge and continuous learning in our company culture. Our makandra cards are our internal best practices and tips for our daily work. They are read worldwide by developers looking for help and tips on web development with Ruby on Rails and DevOps.

15 years ago – in 2009 – we wrote our first card. Since then, over 6000 cards have been created, not o...

Rails: Using require and permit for attributes

Raising errors for required and permitted attributes makes it easier to find errors in your application during development and in tests. Consider this approach if you want to strengthen the params handling in your application.


config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise
def user_params


  • This raises an error `ActionController::Parameter...

Unpoly + Nested attributes in Rails: A short overview of different approaches

This card describes two variants, that add a more intuitive workflow when working with nested attributes in Rails + Unpoly.


For the following examples we use a simple data model where a user has zero or more tasks.

class ExampleMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
  def change
    create_table :users do |t|
      t.string :full_name

    create_table :tasks do |t|
      t.string :title
      t.references :user
class Task < ApplicationRecord

Collect all values for a given column in an ActiveRecord scope

In modern Rails versions you can also use ActiveRecord's pluck method.
=> [1, 5, 23, 42]

If you are plucking from the id column in particular you can also say:
=> [1, 5, 23, 42]

For a DISTINCT selection, use distinct on your scope (not the resulting array).


Testing ActiveRecord callbacks with RSpec

Our preferred way of testing ActiveRecord is to simply create/update/destroy the record and then check if the expected behavior has happened.

We used to bend over backwards to avoid touching the database for this. For this we used a lot of stubbing and tricks like it_should_run_callbacks.

Today we would rather make a few database queries than have a fragile test full of stubs.


Let's say your User model creates a first Project on cr...

Bookmarklet to generate a commit message for an issue in

Your commit messages should include the ID of the issue your code belongs to.
Our preferred syntax prefixes the issue title with its ID in brackets, e.g. [FOO-123] Avatars for users.
Here is how to generate that from an issue in Linear.

Add a new link to your browser's bookmarks bar with the following URL.

javascript:(() => {
  if (document.querySelector('[data-view-id="issue-view"]')) {
    const [id, ...words] = document.title.split(' ') ;
    prompt('Commit message:', `[${id}] ${words.join(' ')}`)
  } else {
    alert('Open issue...

Regular Expressions: Quantifier modes

When you repeat a subpattern with a *, + or {...} operator, you may choose between greedy, lazy and possessive modes.

Switching modes may affect the result and performance of your regular expressions. In the worst case, an ill-suited mode may make your regular expression so slow that it can DoS your application (Examples are the ActiveRecord's PostgreSQL CVE-2021-22880 or the [Cloudflare outage 2019](

Rails: Comparison of assignable_values and Active Record enum types

We are using assignable_values for managing enum values in Rails. Nevertheless Rails is adding more support for enum attributes, allowing to have a closer look at the current feature set in comparison to our still preferred option assignable_values.

Active Record enum attribute interface

By default Rails is mapping enum attributes to integers:

Ruby: Following redirects with the http gem ("httprb")

When making requests using the http gem you might want to automatically follow redirects to get the desired response. This is supported but not the default behavior.

You can do so by using the .follow method.
This follows redirects for the following status codes: 300, 301, 302, 303, 307, 308

response = HTTP.get('')
response.status # => 302
response.uri.to_s # => ""

response = HTTP.follow.get('')
response.status # => 200

ActiveRecord: String and text fields should always validate their length

If you have a :string or :text field, you should pair it with a model validation that restricts its length.

There are two motivations for this:

  • In modern Rails, database types :string and :text no longer have a relevant size limit. Without a validation a malicious user can quickly exhaust the hard drive of your database server.
  • In legacy Rails (or database schemas migrated from legacy Rails), database types :string and :text had a database-side length constraint. When the user enters a longer string, the ActiveRecord valida...

Insomnia helps you querying your API

Insomnia is a GUI tool to help you communicating with an API. There are also other tools to do this, e.g. Postman or the command line tool cURL.

While it is quite similar to Postman, I found the UI to be less cluttered and therefore easier to use.


The usage is almost self explanatory.

You can install it v...

Invoices: How to properly round and calculate totals

While it might seem trivial to implement an invoice that sums up items and shows net, gross and vat totals, it actually involves a lot of rules and caveats. It is very easy to create invoices where numbers don't add up and a few cents are missing. A missing cent is a big deal for an accountant, so it is important for your invoices to list correct numbers.

Note that this is not legal advice. Also note that while this note has a number of code examples in Ruby and MySQL, the concepts apply to all programming languages and data stores.

When ...

How to negate scope conditions in Rails

Sometimes you want to find the inverse of an ActiveRecord scope. Depending on what you want to achieve, this is quite easy with Rails 7, and a bit more complicated with Rails 6 and below, or when the inverse scope may contain NULL values. [1]


Databases use a 3-valued logic. Either A = 0 or A != 0 or A IS NULL. Don't forget the third case!

There are two different ways of "inverting a scope":

As an example, consider the following model.

class User < ApplicationRecord
  scope :admins, -> { where(role: ['admin', '...

MySQL: Careful when using database locks in transactions

We tend to use database transactions as a magic bullet to get rid of all our concurrency problems. When things get really bad, we might even throw in some locking mechanism, but then are usually done with it.

Unfortunately, transactions semantics in databases are actually very complicated, and chances are, your making some incorrect assumptions.

The MySQL innodb engine actually has [four different modes](ht...