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Association to polymorphic model does not determine inverse_of automatically

September 07, 2017Software engineer at makandra GmbH

You need to set the :inverse_of option manually for relations that have an association to a polymorphic model. Otherwise you will not be able to save a record with a nested polymorphic association.

class Event < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :letters, as: :record

class Letter < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :record, polymorphic: true

event =! # => ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Record must exist
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Using the :inverse_of option here will fix the problem.

class Event < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :letters, as: :record, inverse_of: :record

Note: It is not possible and necessary to set :inverse_of in the polymorphic model.

Posted by Emanuel to makandra dev (2017-09-07 12:28)