Resources for working with the Youtube API

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

You can use the Youtube API to get data from youtube. Here are some resources and some things that are good to know.

You need to create an API key and each request will cost a certain amount of Request-Points (depending on the kind of query).

It may help to understand youtube's domain model before starting.

It's best to just try out your requests in the browser to see what you will get.
A request can look like this (note that you have to replace the playlist ID and the API key in order to make this request work):<PLAYLIST_ID>&key=<API-KEY>A&part=snippet&fields=nextPageToken,items(snippet(publishedAt,resourceId(videoId)))

There are more examples and explanations in the docs Show snapshot .

You can look up the estimated costs of your requests here Show snapshot .

You can see your current quota limit and how much is used here Show snapshot (select your project in the upper left dropdown).

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Deleted user #4117
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Posted to makandra dev (2019-11-21 14:59)