Guideline for moving from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

jQuery is still a useful and pragmatic library, but chances are increasingly that you’re not dependent on using it in your projects to accomplish basic tasks like selecting elements, styling them, animating them, and fetching data—things that jQuery was great at. With broad browser support of ES6 (over 96% at the time of writing), now is probably a good time to move away from jQuery.

Practical and clear reference with the most common jQuery patterns and their equivalent translations in vanilla JS Show snapshot

Additional equivalents

jQuery Vanilla JS Effect
el.on('click', doStuff) el.addEventListener('click', doStuff, { once: true }) executes Event Handler just once
$(el).data('importantStuff') el.dataset.importantStuff access to data property

For a deeper dive: Take a look at Henning's presentation

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Posted to makandra dev (2019-11-08 13:56)