I often see the use of ||
to set a default value for a variable that might be nil
, null
or undefined
x = x || 'default-value'
This pattern should be avoided in all languages.
While using ||
works as intended when x
is null or an actual object, it also sets the default value for other
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values, such as false
. false
is a non-blank value that you never want to override with a default.
To make it worse, languages like JavaScript or Perl have
many more falsey values
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, including the number 0
or the empty string (''
Setting defaults correctly: Ruby
Prefer to check for nil?
before overriding a value with a default:
x = 'default-value' if x.nil?
Avoid checking if x.blank?
because false
is considered "blank" in ActiveSupport.
Defaults for hash values
If you're reading from an options hash, you probably want to use
Show archive.org snapshot
x = options.fetch(:x, 'default-value')
returns the default value only if the key :x
is missing from the Hash entirely.
There is a difference between a hash missing a key
, and a hash that has:x
assigned tonil
. In the last case, the hash still has a key:x
, andfetch
will return its valuenil
Setting defaults correctly: JavaScript
Plain ES5 (no libraries)
Prefer to check if the variable is null
or undefined
before overriding its value with a default:
if (x === null || typeof x === 'undefined') {
x = 'default-value';
ES6 has the "nullish coalescing" syntax Show archive.org snapshot :
x = x ?? 'default-value'
If you are using Babel, you can transpile this syntax into ES5 using the @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator Show archive.org snapshot package.
With Lodash
If you are using Underscore or Lodash Show archive.org snapshot you can also write this as:
if (_.isUndefined(x) || _.isNull(x)) {
x = 'default-value';
If you are using a recent version of Lodash you can also write this as:
if (_.isNil(x)) {
x = 'default-value';
This is also possible in recent Lodash versions (but slower if your default value is expensive to construct):
x = _.defaultTo(x, 'default-value')
With CoffeeScript
CoffeeScript lets you write:
x ?= 'default-value'