Show snapshot
is a great jQuery library to make (large) <select>
fields more usable.
For Bootstrap 3 there is
Show snapshot
It won't work for Bootstrap 4, but
rchavik's fork
Show snapshot
does (at least with Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6, current version at time of writing this).
It is based on a solution by angel-vladov Show snapshot and adds a few fixes.
Use it by adding it to your project and requiring Sass files as follows.
// Include your custom Bootstrap variables instead, if you have some.
@import ~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap/variables
@import ~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap/mixins
@import ~font-awesome/scss/font-awesome
@import ~select2/src/scss/core
@import ~select2-bootstrap-theme/src/select2-bootstrap4.vars
@import ~select2-bootstrap-theme/src/select2-bootstrap
@import ~select2-bootstrap-theme/src/select2-bootstrap4.after
Note I use the ~
to reference libraries in my Webpack build pipeline. Depending on your setup, you may need something else, or nothing at all.
Then select2ify your controls. Note that you need to specify a theme
or the above won't work:
$element.select2({ theme: 'bootstrap' })
I recommend adding the following Sass to make empty options the same height as non-empty options:
$option-line-height: $line-height-base * $font-size-base + 2 * $input-padding-y
min-height: $option-line-height
It's so pretty!