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Webmock's hash_including doesn't parse query values to string

June 07, 2017Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Webmocks hash_including is similar to RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers#hash_including. Be aware that hash_including (webmock v3.0.1) doesn't parse integer values to String.

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Without hash including you would say:

uri = URI('')
stub_request(:get, '').with(query: {foo: 1, bar: 2})
Net::HTTP.get(uri) # ===> Success

If you only want to check if foo is present you can use hash_including:

uri = URI('')
stub_request(:get, '').with(query: hash_including(foo: 1))
Net::HTTP.get(uri) # ===> Error

hash_including doesn't parse query values to string, you need to take care of this:

uri = URI('')
stub_request(:get, '').with(query: hash_including(foo: '1'))
Net::HTTP.get(uri) # ===> Success
Posted by Emanuel to makandra dev (2017-06-07 15:30)