RubyMine users: you should be using bookmarks

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RubyMine allows bookmarking lines of code. This is super-helpful when working on a complex problem.
I've been using this feature for a few years now, and so should you! :)

Here are the default Linux/Windows keystrokes. See the documentation Show snapshot for other keybindings.

Add an anonymous bookmark


A gray checkmark will be shown in the gutter on the left.
If you press F11 again on a bookmarked line, the bookmark will be removed.

Add a named bookmark ("mnemonic")

Ctrl + F11

This will show a popover with digits and letters. Simply press the corresponding key to assign it to that bookmark.
The chosen mnemonic will be shown instead of the checkmark.

I recommend using mnemonics, at least with digits, instead of anonymous bookmarks. That way you can later reconstruct the way you came.

List bookmarks

Shift + F11

Shows a list if all bookmarks, and a small preview panel. You can navigate using the up/down arrow keys.
Reordering works by pressing Ctrl + up/down arrow keys; press Delete to remove a bookmark.

Go to named bookmark

Shift + F11, then the assigned key

Example of bookmarks list

Arne Hartherz
Last edit
Arne Hartherz
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2017-04-27 08:56)