The maximum version of Internet Explorer you can have depends on your version of Windows. E.g. Windows 7 users can use Internet Explorer up to version 11, but they cannot upgrade to Edge.
Since early 2016, Microsoft only supports the latest version of IE that is available for a given version of Windows Show snapshot . If you are using an older version of IE than you could, you will no longer receive security patches for your version.
In April 2017, this means the following:
- Internet Explorer 9 hasn't been supported on any platform since January 2016.
- Internet Explorer 10 hasn't been supported on any platform since January 2016, except on the unpopular Windows Vista. Vista itself is going to go end-of-life in April 2017.
- Internet Explorer 11 is the latest IE you can have on Windows 7 (Edge requires Windows 8). Windows 7 is going to be supported until January 14th 2020. Internet Explorer 11 will be continued to be supported as a fallback for legacy web apps in Windows 10.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2017-04-07 12:43)