Sass: Don't put CSS rules into partials that you import multiple times

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TLDR: When you put CSS rules into a partial and import that partial multiple times, the CSS rules will be duplicated in the compiled CSS.

Here is a Sass partial Show snapshot called _fonts.sass that contains both CSS rules and a mixin Show snapshot :

  font-family: SuperType
  src: url('supertype.woff')
  font-family: SuperType

This _fonts.sass is not practical in CSS projects that are organized over multiple files: When you @import fonts from 5 Sass files, the @font-face declaration will be listed 5 times in the final CSS output.

Try to make your Sass partials either all mixins or all CSS rules. If a Sass partial contains any CSS rules, only import it once from your main CSS file (theme.sass or similar).

Henning Koch
Last edit
Henning Koch
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2017-01-24 15:49)