Things you probably didn’t know you could do with Chrome’s Developer Console

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Collection of useful tools in the Chrome JavaScript console.

Make the whole page editable

This is not special to Chrome, but still a clever thing:


Taking time

You can easily measure the time on the console with named timers:

console.time('myTime'); // Start timer
console.timeEnd('myTime'); // End timer and print the time

Reference previously inspected elements (from the Elements panel)

Variables $0, $1, ... $n reference the nth-last inspected Element. $0 is the element that's currently selected in the Elements panel.

Inspect elements

inspect() and dir() help with inspecting elements. While inspect() does just what Right Click > Inspect does, dir() turns elements into objects that hold their properties. Try dir($0).

Reference the previous result


Tobias Kraze
Last edit
Michael Leimstädtner
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Tobias Kraze to makandra dev (2017-01-16 09:26)