Howto use ActiveRecord preload with plain SQL inner joins

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Like you know from "How to tell ActiveRecord how to preload associations (either JOINs or separate queries)", you can tell ActiveRecord explicitly if it should use a LEFT OUTER JOIN or a separate query to preload associations.

Here is some special case, where a simple includes is not possible. For the diagram below we want to sort the rides by the translated name of the departure_place and the arrival_place:


Here is the list of features we want to achieve:

This is normally straightforward, but as we are referencing the table we want to order on twice some adjustments need to be made.

.joins('inner join places as departure_places on ride.departure_place_id =')
.joins('inner join places as arrival_places on ride.arrival_place_id =')
.joins('inner join place_translations as departure_place_translations on = departure_place_translations.place_id AND departure_place_translations.locale = "en"')
.joins('inner join place_translations as arrival_place_translations on = arrival_place_translations.place_id AND arrival_place_translations.locale = "en"')
.where(ride_id: 1)
.paginate(page: 1, per_page: 20)
  departure_place: :translations,
  arrival_place: :translations

What we do here:

  • First make some custom SQL with INNER JOINs where our order constraint can be fulfilled (Power of plain SQL: Using eager_load here is not possible or very painful)
  • Then preload the result set (Power of ActiveRecord: If you don't use ActiveRecord preload you need to manually take care of pagination and ordering after fetching the records by ids)
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Posted by Emanuel to makandra dev (2016-12-12 09:42)