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Aruba: Stubbing binaries

Dominik Schöler
November 18, 2016Software engineer at makandra GmbH

When testing your command line application with Aruba Show snapshot , you might need to stub out other binaries you don't want to be invoked by your test.

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Aruba Doubles Show snapshot is a library that was built for this purpose. It is not actively maintained, but works with the little fix below.


Install the gem as instructed by its README, then put this Before block somewhere into features/support:

Before do
  prepend_environment_variable 'PATH', ArubaDoubles::Double.bindir + ':'

This is required because the way Aruba Doubles patches the PATH environment variable is not supported Show snapshot (i.e. not noticed) by modern Arubas. By using Aruba's offical API method prepend_environment_variable, everything is in place.

Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2016-11-18 10:27)