Master the chrome history and autocomplete

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1. Sometimes you have search entries in the autocomplete of the address bar, which are higher weighted than your bookmarks. Pressing SHIFT + DEL while searching removes them from the history immediately.


2. Sometimes you have search entries in the autocomplete of the address bar, which are all higher weighted than your recently visited sites. Add a search for your history, so you can get recent results first.

Settings > Search | Manage search engines... and add the following entry at the bottom:

Add a new search engine Keyword URL with %s in place of query
Chrome History h chrome://history-frame/#q=%s

Now typing h + TAB + stack will show a list for sites including stack. Unfortunately the search is a relic of the 20th century, not even wildcards or sorting are supported.

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Posted by Emanuel to makandra dev (2016-10-05 14:27)