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Using Spring and parallel_tests in your Rails application

Arne Hartherz
September 09, 2016Software engineer at makandra GmbH

You want Spring Show snapshot for super-fast binstubs like bin/rails or bin/rspec which avoid Rails boot time.
You want parallel_tests Show snapshot to speed up full test runs of large test suites.

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Unfortunately, you do not want parallel_tests to use your Spring binstubs as those parallelized tests will share data and/or loose some information. There are some issues Show snapshot about this on GitHub and there is a suggested workaround Show snapshot which never worked for me properly.

The only "real" solution that always worked for us was patching binstubs so that they do not use Spring when running in parallel.
Since boot-up time is not an issue for full test runs that take several minutes, we can accept Rails booting a few seconds.

In your binstubs, there should be something like this:

  load File.expand_path("../spring", __FILE__)
rescue LoadError

Change it as follows.

running_in_parallel = ENV.has_key?('TEST_ENV_NUMBER') || ARGV.any? { |arg| arg =~ /^parallel:/ }

  load File.expand_path("../spring", __FILE__) unless running_in_parallel
rescue LoadError

That's it. bin/rspec your_spec.rb will now boot up instantly while parallel_tests still works.
Note that the ARGV check is required for rake tasks like parallel:prepare which would otherwise overwrite your development database.

Do not try to fix this, it is not as simple as it seems.
If you still want to tackle that problem, you should at least confirm these aspects work flawlessly: DB connection, Redis, memoization, spec stubs, Rake tasks like rake parallel:prepare

Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2016-09-09 14:45)