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Ubuntu MATE: Shortcut launcher for a web application

Henning Koch
July 25, 2016Software engineer at makandra GmbH

For some years Google Chrome has allowed you to add desktop icon for any web page by going to Tools / Add to desktop. Unfortunately this doesn't work reliably on Ubuntu MATE with recent Chromes: The icons could not be moved away from the desktop, or they would open the application as a new tab (instead of as a new window).

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I found it to be easier to add a custom application launcher to the MATE panel.

In the Command field, enter this:

google-chrome --app=""

This will open Google Calendar in a new browser window without decorations (no location bar or bookmark).

You will no longer get the website's favicon as a shortcut icon, but there are many great icons here:

Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2016-07-25 13:13)