UI Sortable on table rows with dynamic height

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UI sortable helps reordering items with drag 'n drop. It works quite fine.

Proven configuration for sorting table rows

When invoking the plugin, you may pass several options Show archive.org snapshot . This set is working fine with table rows:

$tbody.sortable # Invoke on TBODY when ordering tables
  axis: 'y' # Restrict drag direction to "vertically"
  cancel: 'tr:first-child:last-child, input' # Disable sorting a single tr to prevent jumpy table headers
  containment: 'parent' # Only drag within this container
  placeholder: 'ui-sortable-placeholder' # Prevent visibility:hidden
  stop: onSortEnd # See below
  start: onSortStart # See below below

Inside onSortEnd(), you'll react on the reordering. Within forms, you may want to update hidden position fields in the form:

onSortEnd = ->
  positionFields = element.find('input[id$=position]')
  for position, i in positionFields
    $(position).val i + 1

Outside of forms, within lists, you may want to manually post the new positions to some URL:

onSortEnd = ->
  ordered_ids = element.sortable('serialize')
  $.post '/some/url', ordered_ids

The serialize method aggregates the id's of all sortable items (i.e. table rows), which are expected in format <set name>_<id>. For example, tr#position_13 and tr#position_15 will be turned into position[]=13&position[]=15, which neatly resolves to params[:position] == [13, 15] in Rails.

Broken placeholder height

When a dragged row does not have a set height but rather adjusts to its content, the placeholder row does not get the height of the currently dragged item. Further, when using "containment" (which limits dragging to within a given container), it uses wrong containment limits.

You can fix this in the onSortStart callback:

onSortStart = (event, ui) ->
  sortable = $(this).sortable('instance') # Obtain UI sortable instance
  draggedItemHeight = ui.helper.height()
  draggedItemHeight -= 1 if ui.helper.is('tr:first-child') # Design fix

  # Fix placeholder height
  sortable.containment[3] += (draggedItemHeight - ui.placeholder.height())
  ui.placeholder.height draggedItemHeight


Finally, here are some subtle, but nice styles:

    cursor: grab

  // Applied during the drag
    display: table // Maintain table cell widths

    opacity: 0.7
    transition: opacity 0.3s

    cursor: grabbing

// Fix design issue with UI sortable, causing the thead border-bottom to grow
// when the first table row is dragged
tr.ui-sortable-helper:first-child + tr > td
  border-top: none
Dominik Schöler
Last edit
Dominik Schöler
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2016-06-13 14:57)