Geordi 1.3 released

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.


  • Geordi is now (partially) tested with Cucumber. Yay!
  • geordi cucumber supports a new @solo tag. Scenarios tagged with @solo will be excluded from parallel runs, and run sequentially in a second run
  • Support for Capistrano 2 AND 3 (will deploy without :migrations on Capistrano 3)
  • Now requires a .firefox-version file to set up a test firefox. By default now uses the system Firefox/a test Chrome/whatever and doesn't print warnings any more.
  • geordi deploy --no-migrations (aliased -M): Deploy with cap deploy instead of cap deploy:migrations
  • geordi firefox is now aliased to geordi chrome
  • Fix deploy command: Now actually performs the deploy ;)
  • Fix some aliases in deprecated commands
  • Prompts are printed without a newline


You can always abbreviate commands to their shortest unique prefix. Also, all options have a single-letter alias (e.g. --no-migrations -> -M).

  geordi a[pache-site] VIRTUAL_HOST  # Enable the given virtual host, disabling all others
  geordi ca[pistrano] COMMAND        # Run a capistrano command on all deploy targets
  geordi cl[ean]                     # Remove unneeded files from the current directory
  geordi com[mit]                    # Commit using a story title from Pivotal Tracker
  geordi con[sole] [TARGET]          # Open a Rails console locally or on a Capistrano deploy target
  geordi cu[cumber] [FILES]          # Run Cucumber features
  geordi dep[loy] [STAGE]            # Guided deployment across branches
  geordi dev[server]                 # Start a development server
  geordi du[mp] [TARGET]             # Handle dumps
  geordi eu[rest]                    # Open the current Eurest cantina menu
  geordi f[irefox] COMMAND           # Run a command with firefox for selenium set up (alias: `chrome`)
  geordi h[elp] [COMMAND]            # Describe available commands or one specific command
  geordi m[igrate]                   # Migrate all databases
  geordi p[ng-optimize] PATH         # Optimize .png files
  geordi ra[ke] TASK                 # Run a rake task in several Rails environments
  geordi re[move-executable-flags]   # Remove executable-flags from files that should not be executable
  geordi rs[pec] [FILES]             # Run RSpec
  geordi sec[urity-update] [STEP]    # Support for performing security updates
  geordi set[up]                     # Setup a project for the first time
  geordi sh[ell] TARGET              # Open a shell on a Capistrano deploy target
  geordi t[ests]                     # Run all employed tests
  geordi un[it]                      # Run Test::Unit
  geordi up[date]                    # Bring a project up to date
  geordi ve[rsion]                   # Print the current version of geordi
  geordi vn[c]                       # Show the hidden VNC window
Dominik Schöler
Last edit
Deleted user #20
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2016-01-25 15:37)