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How to fix "unknown role" errors in Capistrano recipes

Arne Hartherz
December 02, 2011Software engineer at makandra GmbH

When you have a complex recipe setup with multistage deployment you may run into this error:

`role_list_from': unknown role `something' (ArgumentError)
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Consider this task definition:

namespace :foo do
  task :bar, :roles => :something do
    # do crazy stuff

Whenever we call in our recipe, Capistrano will fail if you deploy to a stage where none of the servers has the role the error complains about, "something" in this case.

However, you can hack around it Show snapshot :

  1. Put a roles[:something] into your deploy.rb to avoid the above error message.\
    Now, when Capistrano enters a hook and tries to call a method that is only available for that group of servers, you'll get another error:

    `' is only run for servers matching {:roles=>:something}, but no servers matched
  2. To properly fix it, you also need to avoid running any commands inside that task if no server matches the task's role:

    roles[:something] # To make Capistrano aware of it
    # ...
    namespace :foo do
      task :bar, :roles => :something do
        next if find_servers_for_task(current_task).empty? # Skip for certain setups
        # do crazy stuff

As always, remember to properly hook.

Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2011-12-02 16:38)