Project management best practices: Standup

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If the project team consists of at least 2 members, do a daily standup. It should not take much longer than 15 minutes.


Tell everyone else

  • what you did yesterday
  • what you intend to do today
  • where you might need help or other input
  • if there are new developments everyone needs to know about

A "still working on X, will probably be done today" is totally fine. No need to tell a long story.

If you are out of work, find a new story with the others.

If there are new stories in the backlog, look at them and

  • make sure everyone knows what they are about
  • give them an estimate (or validate the estimate, if there already is one)


The standup has multiple goals:

  • Make the team feel like a team
  • Make sure no developer has gone into a rabbit hole and is afraid to call for help
  • Give everyone an idea what's currently going on
Tobias Kraze
Last edit
Jakob Scholz
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Tobias Kraze to makandra dev (2015-09-11 15:00)