An auto-mapper for ARIA labels and BEM classes in Cucumber selectors

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Spreewald Show snapshot comes with a selector_for helper that matches an English term like the user's profile into a CSS selector. This is useful for steps that refer to a particular section of the page, like the following:

Then I should see "Bruce" within the user's profile

If you're too lazy to manually translate English to a CSS selector by adding a line to features/env/selectors.rb, we already have an auto-mapper to translate English into BEM classes.

This card expands on the idea by also allowing to refer to an element by its aria-label Show snapshot attribute. aria-label is usually employed to assist users with disabilities. It is also very practical to label things for integration tests.

With the auto-mapper below you can write this:

Then I should see "Bruce" within the user's profile

... and it will match either this:

<div aria-label="user's profile">
  Bruce Wayne

... or this:

<div class="user--profile">
  Bruce Wayne


Save this to features/support/selectors.rb, or update your file:

module HtmlSelectorsHelpers
  def selector_for(locator)
    case locator

    # Auto-mapper for BEM classes and ARIA labels
    # Usage examples:
    #   the main menu -> '.main-menu, [aria-label="main menu"]'
    #   the item box's header -> '.item-box--header, [aria-label="item box's header"]'
    #   the slider's item that is current -> ', [aria-label="slider's item that is current"]'
    when /^the (.*)$/

      match = $1
      match =~ /^(.+?)(?:'s (.+?))?(?: that (.+))?$/

      bem_selector = '.'
      bem_selector << selectorify($1)
      bem_selector << '--' << selectorify($2) if $2
      bem_selector << '.' << selectorify($3) if $3

      aria_selector = '[aria-label="'
      aria_selector << match.gsub('"', '\\"')
      aria_selector << '"]'

      [bem_selector, aria_selector].join(', ')

    when /^"(.+)"$/

      raise "Can't find mapping from \"#{locator}\" to a selector.\n" +
              "Now, go and add a mapping in #{__FILE__}"


  def selectorify(string)
    string.gsub(/ /, '-')


Henning Koch
Last edit
Jonas Schiele
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2015-09-01 11:08)