If you need to follow links, click buttons, etc. using Capybara inside an <iframe>
, you can do it like this:
page.within_frame('iframe-id') do
fill_in 'E-mail', with: 'foo@bar.com'
fill_in 'Password', with: 'secret'
click_button 'Submit'
Instead of the frame's [id]
attribute you may also pass a Capybara::Node
for an <iframe>
If you're also using Cucumber you could make a meta-step like this:
When /^(.*?) inside the (.*?) frame$/ do |step_text, frame_id|
page.within_frame(frame_id) do
step step_text
This way you can use your existing steps Show archive.org snapshot like this:
When I fill in "E-mail" with "foo@bar.com" inside the login frame
Note: Spreewald >= 4.1.0 already includes that step Show archive.org snapshot
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2015-06-29 08:25)