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Graticule computes NULL distance for some records (and how to fix that)

Arne Hartherz
November 30, 2011Software engineer at makandra GmbH

The SQL code generated by Graticule's spherical distance computation is insufficient and can lead to NULL distances in edge cases.

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The reason for this is that MySQL is performing several sine and cosine computations which can result in slight rounding errors -- which is usually okay. Rarely, though, for the exact center of the given circle, it is then asked to compute the arc cosine of a result like 1.0000000001.

Since this is undefined, MySQL correctly returns NULL (instead of the expected distance of 0 for the circle's center).

The solution to this problem is to discard rounding errors by forcing any results into bounds [-1; 1] before computing the arc cosine on it. Put the following into an initializer like config/initializers/graticule_spherical_to_sql_without_nulls.rb which patches Graticule's to_sql Show snapshot method:

Graticule::Distance::Spherical.class_eval do
  def self.to_sql(options)
    options = {
      :units => :miles,
      :latitude_column => 'latitude',
      :longitude_column => 'longitude'
            SIN(RADIANS(#{options[:latitude]})) *
            SIN(RADIANS(#{options[:latitude_column]})) +
            COS(RADIANS(#{options[:latitude]})) *
            COS(RADIANS(#{options[:latitude_column]})) *
            COS(RADIANS(#{options[:longitude_column]}) - RADIANS(#{options[:longitude]}))
      ) * #{Graticule::Distance::EARTH_RADIUS[options[:units].to_sym]})
    }.gsub("\n", '').squeeze(" ")
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2011-11-30 14:52)