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Casting ActiveRecord scopes or instances to ActiveType extended model classes

Henning Koch
June 12, 2015Software engineer at makandra GmbH

When working with ActiveType you will often find it useful to cast an ActiveRecord instance to its extended ActiveType::Record variant.

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Starting with active_type 0.4.0 Show snapshot you can use ActiveType.cast for this:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

class SignUp < ActiveType::Record[User]

user = User.find(1)
sign_up = ActiveType.cast(user, SignUp)
sign_up.is_a?(SignUp) # => true

This is basically like ActiveRecord#becomes Show snapshot , but with fewer bugs and more consistent behavior.

You can also cast an entire relation (scope) to a relation of an ActiveType::Record:

adult_users = User.where('age >= 18')
adult_sign_ups = ActiveType.cast(adult_users, SignUp)
sign_up = adult_sign_ups.find(1)
sign_up.is_a?(SignUp) # => true
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2015-06-12 13:25)