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Thread-safe collections in Ruby

Henning Koch
April 15, 2015Software engineer at makandra GmbH

When using threads, you must make your code thread-safe. This can be done by either locking (mutexes) all data shared between threads, or by only using immutable data structures. Ruby core classes like String or Array are not immutable.

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Read more Show snapshot

There are several gems providing thread-safe collection classes in Ruby.


The concurrent-ruby Show snapshot gem provides thread-safe versions of Array and Hash:

sa = # supports standard forms
sh = # supports standard forms

There's also a Concurrent::Cache class that sort of behaves like an unordered Hash, but is much faster.


If you're using Rails you already have concurrent-ruby in your bundle.


hamster Show snapshot provides several collection classes, such as Hamster::Hash.

Hamster collections are immutable. Whenever you modify a Hamster collection, the original is preserved and a modified copy is returned. This makes them inherently thread-safe and shareable. At the same time, they remain CPU and memory-efficient by sharing between copies.

Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2015-04-15 11:34)