Geordi 1.0 released

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

Geordi 1.0 features a command line application geordi, that holds most of Geordi's previous commands.

New features

  • command help and usage examples right within geordi (geordi help and geordi help <command>)

  • quick command access: type just the first few letters of a command, e.g. geordi rs or geordi dev[server]

  • command dependencies, e.g. geordi rspec invokes geordi bundle-install (which bundles only if needed)

  • no cluttered /usr/bin, but all commands in one handy tool

  • template for easily adding new commands

  • many little niceties

New commands

  • setup: set up a Rails project for the first time (bundle install, create database.yml, create databases, migrate), optionally run all tests (--test) or load a dump (--dump staging)
  • update: update a Rails project that has been lying around for some time (git pull, bundle install, migrate)
  • security-update: prepare and finish a security update by pulling/pushing/merging and deploying just as our workflow is
  • devserver: boot a development server Rails-version-agnostic
  • console: open a local Rails console Rails-version-agnostic, or remotely, e.g. geordi console staging
  • shell: open a shell on a Capistrano target, optionally selecting the server with --select-server
  • tests: run all employed tests; checks for: Cucumber, RSpec, Test::Unit and rake
  • with-firefox-for-selenium: previously run_tests, runs a given command with Firefox for Selenium set up
  • dump: combined dump handling, can create, download and source dumps

See command help for details.

Dominik Schöler
Last edit
Dominik Schöler
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2015-01-23 17:25)