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CarrierWave: How to remove GIF animation

Arne Hartherz
December 22, 2014Software engineer at makandra GmbH

When accepting GIF images, you will also accept animated GIFs. Resizing them can be a time-consuming task and will block a Rails worker until the image is processed.

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Save yourself that trouble, and simply tell ImageMagick to drop any frames but the first one.

Add the following to your uploader class:

process :remove_animation


def remove_animation
  if content_type == 'image/gif'
    manipulate! { |image| image.collapse! }

You may also define that process for specific versions only (e.g. only for thumbs) -- when called on the class level, it will happen for each version.

Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2014-12-22 13:36)