problem updating perl package(s) on freebsd `pkg-static: lstat(..../.packlist): No such file or directory

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If you have trouble updating something on FreeBSD you should always take a look in the UPDATING Show snapshot file.

For this error there is this solution which worked perfectly for me:

  AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5.*

  There was a nasty bug introduced in the update below, it was introduced in
  svn revision 373476 and corrected in 373485.  If you get errors looking like
  this one:

  ===>   Registering installation for p5-Params-Util-1.07_1 as automatic
  pkg-static: lstat(/usr/ports/devel/p5-Params-Util/work/stage/usr/local/./usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/mach/5.16/auto/Params/Util/.packlist): No such file or directory
  *** [fake-pkg] Error code 74

  You will have to wipe your ports tree clean.  If using portsnap, with:

    portsnap extract

  If using subversion:

    svn revert -R
Last edit
Kim Klotz
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Kim Klotz to makandra dev (2014-12-11 16:12)