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Cucumber features as documentation

Dominik Schöler
November 18, 2014Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Cucumber allows for prose in features and scenarios. Example:

Feature: Cancel account

  There are several ways to cancel a user account. Admins need to 
  do it in complex cases, but normally, users can do it themselves.
  Scenario: User cancels his own account
    Users should be able to cancel an account themselves, so the 
    admins do not need to do it.
    Given a user account for ""
    When I sign in as ""
    And I follow "Cancel account"
    Then I should see "Account canceled"

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By going beyond the single line descriptions we've accustomed to, we can provide all the information that is required to understand the intention and meaning of a feature/scenario. That way, future developers can quickly get an understanding of the application.

Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2014-11-18 10:59)