New Firefox and gem versions for our Selenium testing environment (Ubuntu 14.04+)

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

Firefox 5.0.1, which we were using for most Rails 2.3 projects, does not run on Ubuntu 14.04 any more. Here is how to update affected projects.

  1. Update (or create) .firefox-version with the content: 24.0
    If you haven't installed Firefox 24 yet, the next time you run tests with Geordi, it will tell you how to install it.

  2. On a Rails 2 project:

    • Update your Cucumber-related gems as described in Upgrading Cucumber and Capybara, including cucumber_spinner and launchy.

    • If you have the following Gems in your Gemfile, update them with these versions:

      gem 'sanitize', '< 3' # 3+ depends on crass which depends on Ruby 1.9
      gem 'cucumber_factory'
    • Run bundle update <gem name> on any added/changed gem, e.g. bundle update cucumber capybara selenium-webdriver database_cleaner cucumber_spinner

Error messages & solutions

uninitialized constant JSON

-> Add gem 'json' to your Gemfile

uninitialized constant Selenium

-> Add gem 'selenium-webdriver' to your Gemfile

Failing Cucumber steps that use find

Capybara 1's #find method raises an error if nothing could be found. #first Show snapshot should behave like #find used to.

i18n requires Ruby >= 1.9

-> Add gem 'i18n', '< 0.7.0' # 0.7.0 requires Ruby 1.9 to your Gemfile

Breaking Step When I go to the path "some/path"

Current Capybara's #visit method expects the argument to start with a slash. Write When I go to the path "/some/path" instead.

Cucumber Spinner breaks

-> Remove cucumber_spinner from Gemfile. We're not using it in parallel_tests anyway.

Dominik Schöler
Last edit
Dominik Schöler
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2014-11-13 09:52)