Using the Facebook Graph API

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App tokens

For server-to-server requests to the Facebook Graph API you can skip requesting an Oauth token, an instead use the combination of app_id|app_secret as your access token. This token will never expire, and should suffice for retrieving basic information from the Graph API.|app_secret

Since you don't make requests for a certain user, the Graph API might respond with an error in case you're requesting a resource that requires authenticating as a human being.


Facebook has quite a powerful pagination, which unfortunately is not too obvious. Read more Show snapshot .

Time-based pagination

Parameter: until, since, limit, next, previous

Dominik Schöler
Last edit
Dominik Schöler
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2014-09-16 08:55)