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What edge_rider offers you

Dominik Schöler
August 12, 2014Software engineer at makandra GmbH

edge_rider is Power tools for ActiveRecord relations (scopes). Please note that some of the functions edge_rider provides have native implementations in newer rails versions.

Useful in applications


Illustration online protection

Rails Long Term Support

Rails LTS provides security patches for old versions of Ruby on Rails (2.3, 3.2, 4.2 and 5.2)

  • Prevents you from data breaches and liability risks
  • Upgrade at your own pace
  • Works with modern Rubies
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Edge Rider gives your relations a method #traverse_association which returns a new relation by "pivoting" around a named association. You can traverse multiple associations in a single call. E.g. to turn a relation of posts into a relation of all posts of their authors:

posts = Post.where(:archived => false)
posts_by_same_authors = posts.traverse_association(:author, :posts)

Model.preload_associations(object, associations)

Edge Rider gives your model classes a method .preload_associations. The method can be used to preload associations for loaded objects like this:

@user = User.find(params[:id])
User.preload_associations [@user], { :threads => { :posts => :author }, :messages => :sender }

Useful in libraries

These utilities are mostly useful in libraries that need to support multiple versions of Rails. They offer a unified interface across Rails versions.


You should not use relation.collect(&:id) for this because a call like that will instantiate a potentially large number of ActiveRecord objects only to collect its ID.

Edge Rider has a better way. Your relations gain a method #collect_ids that will fetch all IDs in a single query without instantiating a single ActiveRecord object:

posts = Post.where(:archived => false)
post_ids = posts.collect_ids

Implemenation note: In Rails 3.2+, #collect_ids delegates to #pluck, which can be used for the same purpose.

Relation#collect_column(name, options)

You should not use relation.collect(&:column) for this because a call like that will instantiate a potentially large number of ActiveRecord objects only to collect its column value.

Edge Rider has a better way. Your relations gain a method #collect_column that will fetch all column values in a single query without instantiating a single ActiveRecord object. If you only care about unique values, use the :distinct => true option:

posts = Post.where(:archived => false)
distinct_subjects = posts.collect_column(:subject, :distinct => true)

Implementation note: In Rails 3.2+, #collect_column delegates to #pluck, which can be used for the same effect.


# Rails 2 scope
Post.scoped(:conditions => { :id => [1, 2] }).to_sql 
# => "SELECT `posts`.* FROM `posts` WHERE `` IN (1, 2)"


# Rails 3 relation
Post.where(:id => [1, 2]).to_sql 
# => "SELECT `posts`.* FROM `posts` WHERE `` IN (1, 2)"

Implementation note: Rails 3+ implements #to_sql.


Site.joins(:user).where(:users => { :name => 'Bruce' }).to_id_query

to_id_query will immediately run an SQL query where it collects all the IDs that match your relation:

SELECT FROM sites INNER JOIN users WHERE sites.user_id = AND = 'Bruce'

It now uses these IDs to return a new relation that has no joins and a single condition on the id column:

SELECT * FROM sites WHERE sites.user_id IN (3, 17, 103)


Edge Rider gives your relations a method #origin_class that returns the class the relation is based on. This is useful e.g. to perform unscoped record look-up.

# => Post


Edge Rider ports Model.scoped forward to Rails 4+ (taken from activerecord-deprecated_finders).

User.scoped # just calls User.all in Rails 4 { admin: true })
Dominik Schöler
August 12, 2014Software engineer at makandra GmbH
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2014-08-12 10:43)