Howto respond html or json in the same controller action with Rails 2

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Code snippet tested with Rails 2.3

  def index
    # ...
    if request.xhr?
      html = render_to_string(:partial => "list", :layout => false)
      respond_to do |format|
        format.html { render :text => html }
        format.json { render :json => {:html => html, ... } }

Note: Perhaps you ran into ActionView::MissingTemplate error and this card might help. If you call render_to_string within the format.json block, Rails will only look for an index.json template, but not for an index.erb template.

Last edit
Michael Leimstädtner
missing, template
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted to makandra dev (2014-07-14 10:50)