How to test bundled applications using Aruba and Cucumber

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Aruba Show snapshot is an extension to Cucumber that helps integration-testing command line tools.

When your tests involve a Rails test application, your tool's Bundler environment will shadow that of the test application. To fix this, just call unset_bundler_env_vars in a Cucumber Before block.

Previously suggested solution

Put the snippet below into your tool's features/support/env.rb -- now any command run through Aruba (e.g. via #run_simple) will have a clean Bundler environment.

module Customization
  # Improve the internal #run method provided by Aruba::Api to run commands
  # with a clean bundler environment and without spring.
  def run(cmd, timeout = nil)
    Bundler.with_clean_env { super }


We're also disabling Spring because it does not play nicely with Aruba (see Disabling Spring when debugging).

Dominik Schöler
Last edit
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2014-06-25 12:07)