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Why you might not need MVC with React.js

Henning Koch
May 05, 2014Software engineer at makandra GmbH

React.js is a relatively new Javascript templating engine that has two-way-bindings like AngularJS or Batman. The interesting idea here is that React keeps a virtual copy of the DOM tree in memory, and when you re-render, it only changes the DOM as little as required. That means if you re-render a list with 1000 items, and only one item has changed, the browser-DOM will only remove and add a single element instead of 1000 elements. This makes React.js views insanely fast.

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The attached article proposes that React.js is so fast that you don't even need to split your screen into sub-views anymore. You can simply re-render the entire screen every single time.

Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2014-05-05 10:56)