Use capistrano-passenger to restart your Rails app after each deployment.
With this command you can initiate an application restart without touching restart.txt. Unlike touching restart.txt, this tool initiates the restart immediately instead of on the next request. Show snapshot
If you want to use this with capistrano 2.x just replace the touch command:
- run "touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt"
+ run "passenger-config restart-app --ignore-app-not-running #{deploy_to}"
If you are using capistrano 3.x:
- execute :touch, "#{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt"
+ execute "passenger-config restart-app --ignore-app-not-running #{deploy_to}"
Note: If you using a passenger lower than 5.0.10 you have to use sudo
to run this command.
If using it with capistrano you should use passenger >=4.0.41 and the --ignore-app-not-running
parameter otherwise your deploy may fail.
When deploying with capistrano it's possible you get this "error" message:
*** [err ::] There are no Phusion Passenger-served applications running whose paths begin with '/var/www/'.
*** [err ::]
This is just because there were no running passenger instance on the server. It's not a real error.