If you regularly get ActionView::MissingTemplate
exceptions, maybe some bot visits your site requesting silly formats like:
http://www.rails-app.com/makandra.html-username-2000 # => Rails tries to retrieve 'makandra' with format 'html-username-2000'
Just restrict accepted format parameters for the whole application like this:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :refuse_silly_formats
def refuse_silly_formats
acceptable_formats = %w[html xml pdf]
if params[:format]
unless acceptable_formats.include? params[:format].downcase
Rails.logger.error "Format not supported: #{params[:format]}"
head interpret_status(:not_acceptable)
Note: request.format
more reliably tells the format, but includes Rails-required formats such as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
(which we must not refuse). For our purposes, getting the format from the params is exactly what we need. You may also
skip that before_filter
Show archive.org snapshot
for a certain controller/action.
Kudos to Peter Wagenet Show archive.org snapshot .
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2014-04-28 08:27)