Listening to bubbling events in Prototype is easy

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If you come across an (older) application that is using Prototype Show snapshot instead of jQuery, you may often see events bound to single elements only, like this:

$('foo').observe('change', updateThings);
$('bar').observe('change', updateThings);
$('baz').observe('change', updateThings);

If you are calling only one method in each case, this is unnecessarily ugly. Also, when your page contents have been replaced via AJAX (like sections of a form after choosing something), those event hooks will no longer work.

Instead, just do it similar to what you know from jQuery:

document.on('change', '#foo, #bar, #baz', updateThings);

Or, just apply a nice data attribute to the form fields, and look for that in your JavaScript code:

document.on('change', '[data-requires-update]', updateThings);

If you are interested in the element that was triggered the event, simply take an event argument and look at

Arne Hartherz
Last edit
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Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2014-04-09 16:05)